Coverage of Lorestan women is the symbol of identity and culture of this region base on the social and economic status and from the other part, traditional conditions have specified characteristics.
Clothes and Sarbands of Lor women are contained colorful clothes with happy designs. Old women prefer clothes with dark colours, simple design, and Sarbands with white or black colour.
Scarfs of Lor women gave beautiful shapes to their heads. These scarfs that they usually have silky stuff are applied in different colours and designs. Lor women knot their scarfs around their heads and corners of them are placed in beautiful shapes in dangling form.
Clothes of Lor women have beautiful cuts and they are long and loose. Designs of their clothes are contained flowers and they are all colorful.
Their pants are having two parts and two colours from combination and kinds of clothes.
Usually, from their feet to their knee of them are containing simple clothes with beautiful designs and ribbons and the upper parts of them are having clothes with flowers in the other colour.
On the other parts of women, clothes are one special kind of coat with the name of “Calanjeh” that they don’t contain any button to fasten and it is located on all of the clothes of them. The other parts of this coat as same as the corner of that has ribbon and beautiful kind of sewing for itself.
The other parts of their clothes are long until the back of their feet and they contain no button with sleeves until their elbow. The clothes of them are velvet in black, green and red colour.
Around their sleeves and skirts are contain ribbon in the size of 3 fingers.
Its coat only cover the upper parts of their body don’t have any ribbon and it has only one button.
The vest is always open don’t have any button and it has ribbon in front it is sewing in the special design.
Dress of Lor women and their covers are colorful with the simple design, long and loose with flower designs and different colours.
Their clothes contain many parts such as follow:
Jeliqe (vest)
Kamar Chin
Sardary (kind of hat)
Kalanje (Velvet coat)
Kalanje (Velvet coat) is a kind of velvet coat that Lor women wear it on their dresses and corners of that are having the ribbon.
Sardary (kind of hat) is a kind of hat that the length of that is until the back of the leg and it has no button in front.
Jeliqe (Vest) is always open with no button and in front of that is contain beautiful design.
Shalvaar or in the Lor language shavaal (pants) is from colorful clothes and it is loose that they wear it under their dresses. Their pants have two colours with two different kinds of clothes from their feet are simple with ribbon and designs until the top of their knee and the upper part is in the other colour and has flowers.
Clothes of Lor men are simple and beautiful with few designs. These clothes are famous to “Shaal and Setare”.
Their pants are as same as Kurdish people pants and their dress are simple in white and sometimes colorful shapes.
Clothes of Lor men in the Local dialect have both names of “Hume” or “Cros”. These clothes have long sleeves and circle collar. They make from Karbas in white colour.
“Shawl” is a long cotton in the white colour in wide of 60-90 centimeters and lengths of 6-9 meters. This cotton is of the special material that it calls “Chelvaar” that is spinning several times around waist.
“Setareh” is a kind of “Qaba” that the length of that is until under knee. This clothing is using especially in the official times. It is one of the oldest type of clothes in Iran and has many happy colours and flower designs either. People wear this clothing in happy ceremonies and another one with simple designs and simple colours are using in official and Mourn ceremonies.
Hat and shoes of Lor men are one of the special characters of them.
The felt hat is the kind of hat that is making from felt and the shoes of them with the name of “Give” has bottom from leather or plastic and up of it from threads.
Some of the other clothes of them are such as follow:
- Kapanik
- Farji
- Jouqa
Kapanik is very tight that is made by wool and it is using by Shepherds and the people whom they want to go to war.