Dowlat Abad Garden was built at the end of the Afsharieh period as an accommodation for Yazd ruler, Mohammad Taghi Khan Bafghi. At that time the garden was out of town and mass trees created an pleasant atmosphere and were prevented the mansion being seen from outside. The trees continued at 5 meters and 20 kilometers long and was called “Hezar Derakht” (thousand trees). The urban space grew gradually so that Dowlat Abad Garden was located in the center of the city during the Pahlavi period.For providing water to the garden, one of longest qanat in Yazd were delved at a distance of 65 km, from Mehriz. This qanat plays a key role in the greenery and refreshment of the garden and also used for agricultural lands.Dowlat Abad Garden has used as an accommodation and governmental garden composed of two parts:An outer garden used for government and ceremonial purposes and an inner garden used as a residence and private sector.

In the following, we will explain the different sections of the outer and inner gardens:
Inner Garden (Andarooni)
Hashti Mansion: This octagonal mansion is the most important building at the end of the garden. In this building, Iranian architects have used the water and climate mechanism to air moderate and condition and for this reason were called summer mansion.
Windcatcher: The Dowlat Abad Garden with a height of 33.8 is the world’s tallest Windcatcher. Below of this octagonal Windcatcher there is a pool when air passes through it, creates the water and climate mechanism and causes coolness around it. Inside the house there is decorating in roof, doors and windows. You can also the garden with fantastic view from the second floor.

Tanabi Hall is located in west of Hashti Mansion which there is an underground which joins to under of Windcatcher.
Behesht Aein is located opposite of Hashti Mansion. This building is a winter mansion built to the south to sun and make warm. The characteristics of Iranian monuments are four seasons.
Outer garden
A small rectangle with different parts which is located in the northern part of the garden and was used for governmental ritual, inhabitation of caravans and sports events.

After the death of Mohammad Taqi Khan, the garden was t ruined and despite the repairs that took place it did not return to its previous position. Nonetheless, the Dowlat Abad garden is still shining in the desert like Emerald.
In 2011, Dowlat Abad Garden was registered as one of the Iranian gardens in the UNESCO Organization.