Isfahān is the capital of Isfahān Province in Iran, located about 340 km (2111 Imiles) south of Tehrän. It flourished from 1050 to 1722, particularly in the 16th and 17th centuries in the Safavid era, when it became the capital of Persia for the second time in palaces, mosques, and minarets. This led to the Persian proverb “Esfahän nesf-e jahān” (Isfahān the half of the world). Even today, the city retains much of its past glory. It is famous for its PersianIslamic architecture, with many beautiful boulevards and bridges. The Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahān is one of the largest city squares in the world. It has been registered by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The city also has a wide variety of historic monuments and is known for the paintings, history and architecture. Isfal, a city center is also the 5th largest shopping mall in the world and combruk traditional Isfahani and modern architecture.

The Zayandeh-Roud River flows though the city: Isfahān is located at the foothills of Zagros mountain range. The nearest mountain is Mo Soffeh (Kouh-e Soffeh) which is situated just south of Isfahān. Due to lack geological obstacles before 90 km (56 miles), northern cool wind blows city. Situated at 1.590 meters above sea level on the eastern side of the Zagros Mountains, Isfahlin has an arid climate. Despite its altitude, Isfahan remains hot during the summer and the temperature does not exceed 35 °C. However, Mohr Jan with low humidity and moderate temperatures at night, the climate can be very pleasant. During the winter. Days are mild, while nights can be very cold.

Isfahan province encompasses various sects today. The majority of the people in the province are Persian speakers, but Bakhtiari Lurs, Georgians, Armenians, Qashqais and Persian Jews also reside in the province. The official language of the province is Persian, though different ethnic groups and tribes abide by their own language such as Judeo-Persian, Armenian, Georgian, Qashqai Turkic or Bakhtiari Larish. Isfahan province is noted for its reputed personalities such as writers, poets and other eminent ligures who have been born and brought up or have lived in this territory.

Reference: Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts & Tourism Organization of Iran, Iran Travel guide. Iran: 2018