Ziziphora is the name of one genus of plants from Lamiaceae family, it calls to narrow leave Thyme and it is mountain plant. This plant has the hot and spicy smell as same as mint, however, with its special aroma use both in cooking and traditional medicine. The smell of the Ziziphora is very similar to the Thyme and it is a little as same as Pennyroyal.
In Iran, there are fourth species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants of Ziziphora.
The consumable parts of this plant are as follow:
- Aerial parts (leaves and flowers)
- Essential oil of this plant has pulegon, Menton, iso menthone, menthol, Tannins, flavonoids and …
Properties of Ziziphora Plant
One nutritionist said Ziziphora plant is stomach tonic and antiseptic of the respiratory tract.
This nutritionist added Ziziphora plant is from the Mint family that is consuming for making yogurt and buttermilk tasty.
He said this plant is stomach tonic and disinfectants respiratory tract and it has the properties of Mint.
Ziziphora is as follow:
- Warm and dry
- Bactericidal
- Mucus
- Anti-colds
- Intestine antiseptic
He added that the effectiveness of Ziziphora plant is as same as Thyme. Thyme mostly consumes for the treatment of respiratory diseases but Ziziphora is often consumed for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea and cramps.
Properties of Ziziphora contain as to strengthen the body, sexual power, disinfectants, anti-flu, heart nourishing and…
The other names of this plant contain as follow:
- Kakuteh
- Pouneh Kouhi (Oregano)
- Alafeh Kabk (Quebec Grass)
- Ashtouya
- Palang Moshk (Musk Leopard)
Some of the important medicinal properties of Ziziphora (Nature and Medicinal properties)
Medicinal properties of Ziziphora
The nature of Ziziphora is warm and dry. Properties of Ziziphora are very similar to the properties of Thyme, with this kind of change that Thyme mostly consumes for the respiratory diseases but Ziziphora is mostly consumed in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea and cramps.
Some of these properties of Ziziphora are as follow:
- If it is consuming in the morning and evening instead of tea so it is coming to be profitable for bile.
- Ziziphora is Carminative, Mucus and the reason of Menstruation happening.
- Ziziphora is the amplifier of male sexual power.
- One of the properties of Ziziphora is strengthened the body of the people whom they have the weak body. These people must consume from the Ziziphora in the bathroom. In this way that they must boil about 100 grams of the Ziziphora in 3 Liter of water then pour it in the tub and sitting inside.
- Ziziphora in the two shapes of brewed or boiled are consuming for the treatment of Malta fever.
- From the other properties of the Ziziphoar is making the stomach strengthening, if the people consume it about 1 hour after their food in the brewed shape.
- Brewed shape of Ziziphora is good from preventing nose bleeding. Put the cotton impregnated to Ziziphora inside your nose.
- Ziziphora plant is bactericidal, anti-flu, intestine antiseptic.
- Ziziphora is the reason of absorption of food and it doesn’t have negative effects in the Iron of the Consumable food.
- In Pakistan, Ziziphora use for the treatment of the Typhoid sickness.
- Ziziphora is mostly consumed for the gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea and cramps and antispasmodic.
- The plant of Ziziphora is very helpful to relieve of rheumatism and rickets and gargling decoction of Ziziphora is very effective in resolving Tonsil
- It is a good beverage in summer to make the body cold.
- Ziziphora harms (Lateral complications, contraindications, and caution items)
- Consuming Ziziphora in the pregnancy period has affected in the absorption of iron.
Generally consuming Ziziphora must not be in the shapes of a lot and in a continuous way and it is better that refrain of consuming it after 6 days continuous consume, one day and after 3 weeks of consuming one week.
Another usages and properties of Ziziphora
Ziziphora plant is in the mountain parts of Iran (especially Kordestan) consuming as the spice in foods and in a wide applicability in baking Italian foods is the better alternative than Thyme.
From chopped leaves of Ziziphora people can consume as the taste of Dough. Shepherds and climbers collecting Ziziphora plants and prepare tea.
In Azerbaijan in spring season local people collecting this plant and add it to tea. Also consuming the dry shape of Ziziphora in this region in the shape of powder is very common.
For preparing Ziziphora Tea:
Three times a day, and in every innings pour one teaspoon about 2-3 grams of Ziziphora powder in one cup of boiling water after Ten minutes smooth it and drink it after your food.