The Basil seed syrup is one of the traditional syrups of Iran that is mostly consumed in the hot season and cold shape.
Components of syrup are as follow:
- Water
- Basil seed
- Sugar
- Rosewater
- Ice
You can add Saffron to above materials either.
Basil seed is actually seeds of Basil plant that because of the glazed component it is consuming in the shape of the solution in water (syrup). The glaze of these seeds after water absorption comes to be in the jelly shape that it can be used for thirst quenching.
Using from Basil seeds in the water is one of the best ways to lose weight. The Basil seed syrup in addition of quench the thirst is very well and effective for Keeping blood pressure in a balanced mood, losing weight relieving gastritis or the other digestive disorders.
Properties of the Basil Seed
Basil seed is the plant that it has automatic germination, annual and as same as the Basil but only it has very small leaves and seeds.
The stems of this plant are in the shape of the square and its flowers are willing to red and they are pink. This plant grows in the early of spring in mountain and deserts.
The seed of that is black transparent and when you pouring water immediately it creates batter modes and enamelled shape inside the water that is very slippery and the colour of that trends to the grow. A glaze of seeds after absorption water coming to be as same as Faloudeh (Iranian dessert). Basil seeds are actually the seeds of the Basil mountain plant that because of having glazed compounds it is using in the shapes of syrup (solubility in water). A glaze of these seeds after absorption of water become to be in the shapes of jellies that it can be consumed for thirst quenching. Basil seed has many properties and it is not in the way that it is only recommended for the hot seasons of the year.
The other names of this plant contain as follow:
- Badrouj
- Khorasani Torre
- Auqymen
- Houk
- Boureng
- Seryra
- Badrouj Abiz
Basil seed make body thin
Consuming from Basil seed in the water solution is one of the best ways for losing weight. Gelatinous seeds of Basil seed without any calorie make persons for a long time in the satiate mood and instead of eating harmful drugs it is one of the best ways of losing appetite.
Fix respiratory diseases with Basil seed
- These small black seeds have some properties. They are helpful for treatment of respiratory diseases.
- The combination of Basil seed with honey and ginger is very effective in the treatment of asthma, coughs, colds, flu and bronchitis.
Other properties of Basil seed
- Basil seed consumers for the treatment of digestive disorders such as stomach pain, bloating, constipation, indigestion and irregular bowel functions.
- It will well person mood and it is fixing mental exhaustion, nervous tension, depression, migraine, hypochondria.
- From the oil that is giving from chopping the seeds of syrup people using for the treatment of infections such as the wound, notch, bladder infection, skin infections and …
- In China country using from Basil seed for the treatment of infections, stomach pain, snake bite, insects and lowering the body temperature.
- As it has antispasmodic effect so it will treat a whooping cough.
- It is very effective in thirst quenching.
- The other problem that is very usual in all parts of the world right now is blood pressure that is come to be high usually after eating foods (especially foods full of starch) and if you eat Basil seed near food the starch materials little by little will free their glucose and in this way you will gradually have balanced energy in whole day.
- Basil seed has many Protein, Iron, Potassium, and Calcium. However, the people whom they have the problem with absorption Calcium must know that one mineral material with the name of Boron in Basil seed is the reason of absorption Calcium and transfer it to bones.
Healing properties and Consumption method
Add Basil seed to the syrup that you like and drink it after about 2 minutes.
Strengthen the heart:
Pour Basil seed in the Eglantine or Musk willow extract and drink.
Strengthen the nerves:
Mix Basil seed with lemon balm extract and make it sweet with honey and drink. Do it 2,3 times in a day.
Shortness of a breath and dry cough:
Dissolve one teaspoon of Basil seed in warm water and drink it sipping.