The most valuable Shiraz souvenirs is crafted. These crafts are contained: Inlay, Gelim, Carpets and rugs, Gabbeh, Woodcarving and … aside crafts muscat, sour orange flower, date palm, lemon and lime juice, distillates and Faludeh are the most prominent souvenirs of Shiraz.
Shiraz Meskhetian
One of the most famous Persian sweets that are one kind of halva either, is Shiraz Meskhetian. Meskhetian has a special place on Nowruz table of Iranians, especially in the southern parts of Iran and it can be regarded as a delicious dessert.
Shiraz has special kinds of Meskhetian that the most popular one of them is Larestan.
The main ingredient to prepare this delicious pastry is Starch that is very effective in digestion.
Muscat is different in colors and flavors such as Burgundy, rose, saffron, pistachio and …..
Lemon and Lime
There are citrus groves in the Fars province that has caused an important role in securing the country and export the required lemon and Jahrom has excelled in the cultivation of lemons. Harvest of this product is the second half of September until the end of May. We can hold Lemon in variety ways like lemon juice, lemon dry, and Essence that the most common one is lemon juice. Lemon in the table of Iranian is suitable as a complement and useful and tasty seasoned.
It is used fresh or in the water mood. Lemon and lime juice in addition to the great taste that they give to the food they have numerous health benefits either. Lemon is an important product and outstanding of Shiraz and it is a source of C vitamin.
It is one of the most important properties of Lemon that make skin transparency, in addition, it prevents baldness and it is effective in strengthening hair. Lemon juice is one of the major souvenirs of Shiraz.
Shiraz Distillates
There are many gardens in Shiraz and its suburbs, that make this city famous in distillates. Distillates are one of the best souvenirs of Shiraz. Each of these distillates has their own particularly taste and health benefits.
The most popular of them are sweat Musk willow, wild rose, and Two Fire. Water rose is one of the produced distillates of Shiraz. Meymand water rose has the certain reputation among them. Shirazian knows distillates, very professionals. Sweat from different plants done in Shiraz. This means that extract of the fragrance flowers. From this obtain perfume and sweat use to taste the sweets, food, and drink at the event and also air freshener and preparation of herbal medicines and traditional ones.
Shirazian tends to use distillates instead of industrial drinks.

Shiraz Aurantium
Perfect weather Shiraz has led to an abundance of orange trees. If you go to the Shiraz in the Spring (especially May) Aurantium perfume has created a special atmosphere.
Shiraz Aurantium is very famous.
Orange blossom is in the family of the citrus that is used in making perfumes and Essence. It has many medicinal properties.
These medicinal properties are as follow:
Relaxing, anti-anxiety, appetizer, Antitussive, Set irregular heartbeat, Reduce A migraine and nervous headaches, seizures control, heart attacks and the most important effect is on the nervous system.
If you have the problem with lack of sleep before bedtime drinks some tea or Citrus Aurantium. Different products such as Aurantium tea, Aurantium syrup, Jams, Citrus aurantium, perfumes, and Essence are from Aurantium. It can be used to control seizures and a heart attack.
Shiraz Falude
In whole Iran, Shiraz Falude is very famous and you cannot find anyone that they don’t know it. Shiraz Falude has excellent taste because of Shiraz lemon. Also, it served and tailored for each individual taste with different Distillates, like cranberry juice and other fruits. In Shiraz also dry Faludeh is supplied.
Some other kinds of Shiraz souvenirs are as follow:
- Muffins
- Kak or Shiraz Yukhe bread
- Fasa Bread
- Darab Orange
- Arsanjan Pomegranate sauce
- Verjuice